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El regalo (The gift)

Eloy Moreno has a different way of writing, unique and particular, that makes him great. He knows how to connect very well with the reader, not only with all his stories, but with his way of interacting with the audience, either through social platforms or by presenting and selling his work in a personal and direct way. I bought this last book directly from him through his website (I recommend it) and, in addition to contributing better to his finances, he signed it for me.

Eloy Moreno gets into what hurts the most. And he does it well. El regalo (the gift) is a slap in the face for all of us (I suppose for him too), so that we realize what is really worth in life. He has some childish moments that I think as a reader he should rework in the future. But in short, I always enjoy his novels, because they fill me up and entertain me. And at the same time, they make me think.

The experience of the protagonist of the book, who speaks in the first person, mixed with external shots of other narrators, gives us a narrative shock that goes from a whole that is nothing, to a nothing that is everything. The ending, very cinematic, in which the actions reconnect, also has a dramatic component that, in my opinion, borders on the immature. But it works.

I hope that what Eloy Moreno will write in the future, which I eagerly await, goes further, taking steps towards a more interesting complexity, at the level of the great writers.

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