After about 25 years, I have reread this masterpiece of Catalan literature. The only novel written by Víctor Català is without a doubt the best written of a whole modernist generation. And I hope, before I die, to read it again, because I will surely find new things previously unnoticed. I just remembered [attention SPOILERS!] the final rape by Ánima (the soul), the representation of dark and animal nature. But I had forgotten the shepherd's murder and many more details. But aside from the plot, what I have rediscovered with more excitement and surprise is the visibility of the descriptions. The author details so well not only the scenes but also the feelings that allows to enter inside with incredible ease. It’s more than a cinematic vision. Her descriptions can almost be touched, smelled and felt. Especially in the end, when Mila (the main character), defeated but at the same time empowered for the first time in history, decides to shut the door. A great work that also, with the final rape, has a point of topicality that marvels.